Integrated Financial Planning

Personalized financial plan to secure your financial future

Life is unpredictable—but with a sound investment plan in place, you have one less thing to worry about. Our experts work one-on-one with you to create strategies designed to meet your specific goals. So even though ups and downs are inevitable, you’ll know your finances are headed in the right direction.

Our Approach
When you meet with one of our advisors as part of a complimentary first consultation, we discuss your personal and financial circumstances as a first step to helping us create a financial plan further on that’s aligned not just with your financial goals, but with your personal values and your objectives for family and legacy. This consultation also provides an opportunity for you to find out more about us, so you can determine if we’re the best fit for achieving your financial goals. With many years of experience preparing financial plans, we are familiar with the tax and other factors one has to address in a well-developed plan.
What Does This Mean for You?
Our expert advisors build your financial plan from scratch, based on your goals, values and present financial situation. While we take care of the complexities, we provide you with a detailed yet easy-to-understand “roadmap” of how your finances are being managed, followed by regular reviews to ensure our plan is achieving the desired results.


of those with a comprehensive financial plan feel on track with their financial affairs, versus 44% with no plan


of those with a comprehensive financial plan report that they have improved their ability to save in the last five years, versus 56% with limited planning and only 40% with no planning


of Canadians who engage a CFP believe they are closer to achieving some of their life goals as a result of planning

more wealth with advice for 4-6 years than the wealth of those without professional advice

more in savings can be expected when working with advisors for 15+ years, compared to those who don’t receive financial advice


Comprehensive approach: We provide a comprehensive view of your finances to help you best understand how individual decisions impact your overall financial success.

Customized plan: Your plan is truly custom, designed one-on-one to optimize your specific financial situation and goals.

Expertise: Our years of success comes from providing unbiased expertise and support. Our foremost goal is to optimize your lifelong financial well-being.

Education: Our knowledge is here to be shared. We help make sense of complex financial options, so you and your loved ones always make an informed choice.

Information: In the event that anything happens to you, your advisors and loved ones have access to a financial “roadmap” that clarifies your goals and intentions.

Peace of mind: You can’t put a price on peace of mind. With a custom financial plan in place, you’ll know that you and your family’s quality of life is protected every step of the way.

We’re here to help
The first step to optimizing your finances is just a phone call away! Speak to a ZLC advisor today to learn how we can bring our decades of expertise to your investment profile.
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